Sorry for the long hiatus but between barely being able to lift my finger for a week after chemo to starting school meetings this week and Comcast being the evil dictator I haven't been able to find the time to get a working computer to write my entry. So now I sit here after school about to head to a benefits meeting (to hopefully change my insurance) writing all the emotions I have had bottled up in my head for the past few weeks. I am not going to go into lengthy detail about each and every day from the past two week but I do want to explain emotionally and physically how I have felt these weeks. I started this blog mainly to inform my friends and family about my progress and educate them on the "behind the scenes" of cancer and all the lovely baggage it comes with but as I have delved into this blog more and more I am starting to think of it more as therapeutic and also a nice reflection for me to look back on in a year and hopefully laugh about it all. I mean really...I have the WORST luck!
As most of you know my second round of chemotherapy fell on my 28th birthday this year. As I get older birthdays seems to be less relevant and more depressing. Who wants to celebrate getting old and wrinkly? Not me. So I didn't mind so much when this round fell on this special day. On that day Daniel and a great new friend of mine Alicia came with me to my appointments. First, as usual, was the blood draw. My white blood cell count was excellent which means my chemo was a go for the day. Second I went to my oncologist appointment. When I arrived I was notified that my oncologist fell the day before and broke her arm so she would not be my doctor that day but a lovely British lady would. I was a bit nervous because I love my doctor and feel comfortable with her and trust her. I did not know this other doctor and felt weird letting her examine me. (Disclaimer: For this year I am treating my body as a science experiment- I feel like every doctor in the Seattle area has explored and researched it- Numb is what I have come to feel). When I got into the patient room I was immediately welcomed with a giant hug and a tearful "Happy Birthday" from this doctor I had never met. She was amazing and so so sweet. It just reaffirmed that I am getting the best and most involved care I could possibly get. After the hug and questions she examined my mass. Before I started this whole process my tumor was 9 cm in length. This may not seem like a large size but I could physically feel it through my skin and from the outside it felt like the size of a golf ball. After my first round of chemotherapy my tumor had shrunk 2cm. This is huge! I no longer have discomfort nor can I feel the tumor through my skin without really looking for it. It has given me a positive comfort knowing the chemo is actually doing something good and not just rotting my insides. After my check-up with my oncologist I went upstairs for my infusion. During my infusion I conned Daniel and Alicia into playing a full game of Phase 10, which thanks to Marley Sugar is my new favorite card game. Playing cards and eating an obscene amount of animal crackers distracted me from the 4 hour infusion. Towards the end of the chemo infusion I started to get a terrible headache but it was quickly squashed by some Tylenol from the gift shop downstairs. After chemo was over I felt well enough to indulge in some burgers at Lunchbox Laboratory as a birthday dinner! It all was perfect timing.
As soon as lunch was over and we headed home the prechemo drugs started wearing off fast. I immediately became helpless due to the amount of pain I felt all over. Common side effects I felt this time around include extremely fast hair loss, crippling heartburn, a couple days of dry heaving (still have yet to vomit), extreme exhaustion (I slept for four days straight), trouble breathing, body cramps, constipation followed by diarrhea (sorry I know its gross), and the worst was the neuropathy. Neuropathy is nerve damage which causes tingling and cold sensations usually in the extremities. I had the awful privilege of getting it in my head. This cold tingling sensation has caused dreadful headaches and mind-numbing earaches. It is so bad I have to wear a beanie hat around the house all day, I can no longer sleep with a fan on and I have to sleep with a pillow over my head with pressure on it to make to pain less in order to sleep. I am hoping this Friday when I go in for Round 3 I can do something more to prevent or help it. All of these side effects are really taking a toll on my physical health. As I sit here I currently have some kind of cold I have contracted after only being back to school (with no kids yet) for three days. Ugh it is going to be a long year! One last thing on the side effects: As soon as I did my second round of chemo, as I said earlier, my hair started to fall out in massive chunks. I couldn't even lay down on my pillow without sitting up and it looked like something sheaded all its hair. So invited my friend Patricia over to shave my head. I was incredibly nervous but her and Daniel were very comforting and actually it did not look as bad as I thought it would. Below is a picture of me with my head shaved and me in my new wig. My wig is fun because no one recognizes me but it is a bit itchy at times. Even though I do not look half bad with a shaved head it is still falling out and will continue to till I am completely bald, but now when it falls out I can blame the hair on my dog Newton instead of knowing that it is mine. I figure it is less traumatic that way.

Last thing I want to discuss that has played the heaviest on me the past two weeks is my emotional well-being. When I found out I had cancer I cried for a few hours and then told myself to suck it up and deal with it and since then I haven't cried. I figure I have better odds than a lot of people. When I walk into SCCA and see old people and children who have a heck of a lot more to complain about it gives me strength I never thought I had in me. It is the saddest thing to see and for that I know I have to be brave. And I have. Until this past week. This last round of chemo has really taken an emotional toll on me. I think it is just the thought of knowing I don't have control over my body anymore. Even with all the preventive care in my handy side effects book I can't control them all. It leaves me feeling weak and powerless. Anyone who knows me knows I like to take charge. I like to be in control of my own destiny and my own pain really. Also I am a huge wimp when it comes to being sick. I keep thinking "I've only done 2 rounds and I have 14 more rounds or 3 months of feeling like this!" Excuse my language but that scares the shit out of me. I don't want to have to rely on other people. I don't want to battle heartburn or exhaustion or neuropathy. I want control. I hate the chemo more than I hate the cancer. At least when I had cancer I could not feel it. I know that is stupid to say and I really do not mean it but man this isn't emotionally what I thought would happen. I can handle the pain I assume because it is more of an annoyance then anything else but the loss of control is challenging. This is my rant for this week. I will suck it up and I will get through this. It is just a really bad job with a emotionally abusive boss. But I will get through it.
This week I started my meetings at school. I had to stand up in front of my whole school (mind you half of it still doesn't know who I am) and tell them about my alien disease. That took guts, that took courage I did not think I had in me. It is the little steps, the little accomplishments that are getting me through this. I know it won't be easy but I still feel like I can, not just will, handle this with confidence and courage. Friday I have my 3rd round of chemo. Three down...13 more to go! I will end it all just in time to make it home for an amazing Christmas with the family. Next week will be my biggest challenge...telling my students, their parents and getting through the first week of school on the chemo week where I feel the absolute worst. If I can conquer that I KNOW I can conquer anything! Wish me luck!
Numerous times in my life I have gone to bookstores and roamed the isles trying to pinpoint exactly what book I wanted to read. I am not a big fan of reading books that are recommended to me and I am really picky when it comes to what type of books I read. I tend to get bored before I give it a chance. None of this is relevant to my point but when I go to purchase a book I always go against the saying and purchase random books based on how "cool" the cover is. Looking around my room I can see about ten books right off the bat that I have yet to open that I purchased because I liked the title, the cover, or the summary on the back cover. Good job graphic designers! The point I am trying to make is I never really know what is going on inside the book because I don't open it and explore and that is a lot like how I have felt the past two weeks. I may have a decent exterior (no hair loss yet) but I know my insides are telling a whole different dysfunctional story. Sorry it is long but it is overdue.
The Wednesday before my first round of chemo I had my IVF surgery. I went in at 7:30 a.m. and was out and headed home by 10:00 a.m. The doctors collected 12 mature eggs for freezing which I was told is a good number. Apparently not all eggs make it through freezing and then only some work later on so the larger the amount the better your odds of a baby. When I woke up from the anesthesia I felt bloated, crampy and extremely tired. Daniel took me home, I took some pain medicine and we slept all day. It was a quick and easy surgery compared to the constant poking I endured for two weeks.
The next day was the day I was looking forward to that whole week. My mom flew in town from KC to be here with us for a week through my first chemo infusion. We picked her up around noon at the airport and then we had to head to an appointment to get my thyroid ultrasound because of the nodules they found on my CT scan. When we arrived at SCCA they got me in fast and the ultrasound technician was really good. Much more skilled than all the others who have trolled around my body. He got me in and out but did not elaborate on my results at that time. I did however find out later in the week that my results came back negative for any unusual masses. Yay no cancer in the thyroid! Oh, another positive note from this week is I also got back my genetics test results and they were also all NEGATIVE for any cancer genes. That is really good news because it lowers the percentage of me getting cancer again but it still leaves the question open as to why I got this alien disease in the first place. Maybe when I am old and donate my body to science they will one day find out.
All right, well now going back to my book idea from the beginning. The week leading up to my chemo had been pleasant. I won't get in to extreme detail but I enjoyed company from out of town and got to go to a music festival. I felt fine, I look fine, I was emotionally in a great place. The "cover" of my book was in great condition. That all changed that Friday when I went in for my first chemo infusion. I started the day at 10:15 a.m. getting a blood draw and my chemo port accessed and set up for the day. They have to do a blood draw before each infusion to make sure my white blood cell count is high enough to proceed. This week was just a baseline since it was my first infusion. After the blood draw I headed up to see my oncologist. She measured my cancerous mass (still 9cm) and talked with me about what was going to happen during the infusion. Its funny when the doctors ask if you have any questions or concerns and you just stare at them blankly. That is what I do at least. Of course I have questions and concerns but at that moment they flee my mind or just make me look like a massive wimp if I ask so I just keep my mouth shut. After meeting with my doctor we grabbed a quick lunch and Daniel, my mom and I headed up to the infusion center. The infusion center reminds me of a city. There are tons of mini rooms all over the place with their own "address" and a mini-market (kitchen) in the middle of it that has everything you could ever need. Seriously every kind of food. It was amazing, and all free. I snacked on string cheese like a queen. Once I was settled in my room they hooked me up to the pre-chemo drugs. These drugs helped me handle the nausea, and heartburn that the chemo would cause. The pre-chemo infusion took about an hour through an IV in my port. They gave me enough medicine to supposedly last me a few days (that was not the case). After the pre-chemo drugs were finished they hooked me up first to the "red devil" chemotherapy and that took about an hour to feed through my line. At that point I felt fine, I looked fine, I was still a book someone would want to pick up and read. After the "red devil" the hooked me up to the second drug. It was a clear fluid and took about two hours to infuse into my line. This drug brought me down fast. Immediately I had a headache beyond any headache I have ever felt before. The pain was intense all over my head and they couldn't give me any medication without my oncologist's consent (she was busy so that meant never). Once the infusion was over more than anything I wanted to go home. I felt this uncomfortable feeling that I no longer had any control of my body and this situation. I think the headache mixed with this unsettling feeling set me up for the terrible pain I felt that evening. On our way out of SCCA we stopped at the pharmacy and picked up my anti-nausea and anti-heartburn drugs and quickly headed home were we buckled down to ride out the storm of chemo.

After the infusion the first few days were intense! Wednesday was the first day I was up and moving at a constant pace which was nice because I got to visit some amazing relatives I had never met that live here in the Seattle area. Some side effects I have had the joy of enduring include: extreme exhaustion- cannot walk around the block without being winded, SEVERE heartburn- to the point of shooting pain constantly in my chest and back every time I breathe- all day, the random bouts of nausea (although I have yet to puke), the bone and joint aches that have left me paralyzed in the fetal position, constant pain at the site of my cancer mass, extremely dry mouth and eyes, sores in the mouth and my gastrointestinal tract flipping sides in deciding how it wants to digest my food. I never knew this till all this happened but chemotherapy kills all cells that are quick dividing. My cancer cells are quick dividing so the chemo will work really well in killing those cells off. However, the human mouth and the gastrointestinal system are also quick in manufacturing and turning over new cells. Therefore all the good and bad bacteria in my body is attacking these sights and causing pain, infection and discomfort. There are tricks to minimizing these affects but they are just as bad as the cause. I mean who really wants to wash their mouth with salt water after EVERY food or drink you ingest?
All of these side effects make me wonder what is going on inside of me. I have put on a brave face for the past month since my diagnosis but feeling all these symptoms messes with my head. I picture a massive battle inside me and each pain I feel is an explosion or gun fight leaving a brutal scene behind (hopefully killing the bad guys). I am a book with a great exterior (again I still have my hair) but my insides are tell a completely different story. I am assuming once I invest more time into my own story the plot will be more to my liking but right now this doesn't seem to be what I signed up for or what "I bought the book for." I knew it was going to be hard, in fact, I thought it would be much much worse. Knock on wood. I think that is what scares me; the fear of the unknown. The fear that each time I infuse I will feel a little bit different, a little bit more defeated knowing my insides are not at all what my outsides show. That is a terrible mind trick. Does that make me a great graphic designer.
This is a shitty job! One infusion down only 15 more to go (hopefully only 15). Stay tuned for this Friday. I am hoping to enjoy my week of good health with some early birthday adventures with friends. Maybe I will get a room this time for my chemo since it is my birthday! Also I got a wig this week but will display pictures of that once my hair falls out. Thank you again to everyone who has sent their love my way. I have received amazing cards, calls, donations and gifts from so many of you. It is actually really nice going down to check my mail and the letters and cards outweigh the medical EOBs and bills that keep pouring in.